HCS approaches projects with the understanding that planning, design and construction are all part of the same integral and methodical process. We begin with developing a clear understanding of our clients’ expectations, and develop sound strategic planning to assure the efficient and comprehensive execution of the project scope to meet those expectations. Our process focuses on the methodical execution of the delineated and intended project scope, and a comprehensive understanding of the construction documentation. Every project has a significant amount of nuance, typically specific to the project type, use, and functional goals, and Hezcorp Construction will reinforce the need for clearly delineated construction documentation and project intent as that is where defendable guidelines come from for contractors to follow.
We know that prudent and practical construction management comes from knowledge. Experience and effort is what keeps a project under control. These beliefs, and our informed approach, will result in a better project with fewer omissions or construction delays.
HCS has worked through time with the goal to provide a comprehensive and ethical process. People have a hard time wrapping their minds around this but it can, and does, happen. We want the projects we are involved with to stand the test of time and strengthen our relationships with each client we serve.